Check out what our students are learning, what they are accomplishing, what extracurricular activities they are excelling at....basically WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH OUR PORTER STUDENTS!

You may have seen the many smart tvs in our school hallways, they display 'whats happening' around the school with our students and what they are learning and doing in class. Here are the slideshows for your convenience: 


updated as of 5/8/2023


6/8/23...Porter’s 2023 GRAD WALK was a huge success!  We had over half of the Porter graduating class of 2019 participate in the GRAD WALK down our halls, lined with cheering staff and students.  Check out the video and pictures below: 






MAKING PORTER PROUD!  Congratulations to Porter 7th grader Colin Fosnaught on achieving his Eagle Scout Badge!  Colin's project was to build 5 wooden crates to store, organize, and transport Porter's VEX Robotics Teams' 'robots'.   They turned out amazing!



6/1/23...Porter's BASEBALL TEAM will be ending their season with a celebration on Monday, June 5th.  They have had fun, made new friends, learned new skills,  and improved on the skills they already had.  


5/24/23...Porter's FIRST LEGO LEAGUE (FLL) teams ended the year with a fun day!  Here are just a few pictures from the day: 





5/4/2023....Pierce and Carter Hall got to attend the Aero Club Aviation Take Your Child to Work Day on Thursday, April 27th in Washington, DC.  They had the opportunity to experience STEM activities and learning opportunities specifically in Aviation: 




4/19/2023...LITERACY NIGHT was a huge hit!!  We had over 100 families represented.  Here are just a few snapshots of some of the great costumes:



4/19/2023....We had our MILITARY CHILDREN APPRECIATION PARADE today and the students loved it!!  Check it out: 



4/15/2023...Porter 6th grader, Famous Johnson learned all about being a judge and the judicial process!  He got the opportunity to attend the Youth Law Fair in DC; where he was able speak with attorneys, judges, and those involved in the judicial process. Students also participated in a mock trial and Famous was selected as the judge over the trial. He was able to speak with a real judge who assisted him throughout the trial and guide him thru the process. 

   FAMOUS-3.png  FAMOUS-2.png

4/15/2023....CONGRATULATIONS! to Yaseen Haider on being the Middle School First Place Winner of the fifth annual PWCS World Language Poster Contest celebrating National Foreign Language week!  Below is his award winning poster.  Yaseen received his award with both Senora' Nunez and Mrs. Engelmeier-Foor proudly looking on!
