Check out what our students are learning, what they are accomplishing, what extracurricular activities they are excelling at....basically WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH OUR PORTER STUDENTS!
You may have seen the many smart TVs in our school hallways, they display 'whats happening' around the school with our students and what they are learning and doing in class. Here are the slideshows for your convenience:
Updated 12/15/2023
Poster 6/14/2024
Porter’s 2024 GRADUATION WALK was a huge success!! We had over 40 previous Porter students attend. And what an awesome representation of Porter they are; here are just a few of their qualities:
- ALL are planning to attend college
- ALL but 2 received an Advanced HS Diploma because they completed the foreign language component
- There are 2 Nursing majors
- There are 12 Engineering majors
- There are 2 Finance/Accounting majors
- There are 7 Pre-Med majors
- There are 6 Business majors
Posted 4/22/24
What an amazing site for our students and staff.....THE SOLAR ECLIPSE!! Both students and staff were amazed and excited to see such a phenomenon.
Posted 3/12/24
This picture is Team A (Terminators) from our Middle School VEX Robotics team. They represented Porter in the Virginia State VEX Robotics Championship on Friday and Saturday March 1st and 2nd in Doswell, VA. While they did not qualify for the World Championships, they did very well finishing 24th out of 48 teams in the Skills portion of the competition.CONGRATULATIONS! to Rigved, Arsen, Sarah, Ahmad, Juliette, Annabella, and Astana
Posteted 2/5/2024
The Porter NJHS students would like to give a big THANK YOU to all of the Porter families who donated winter weather items for their coat drive. They donated just over 6 large boxes full of items to the Hilda M. Barg Homeless Center.
Posted 2/4/2024
Porter's MIDDLE SCHOOL BASKETBALL CLUB is going strong! They are enjoying two nights a week; practicing one night and playing games the other. THANKS to Coach Conner for organizing the teams and practices!
Posted 2/4/2024
SHOUT OUT to Porter's CREATIVE CODING CLUB for their hard work and great presentation at their table last week for the Porter FAMILY S.E.L. NIGHT!! Although they had some opening night panicky moments, their focus and supportive teamwork had their Animated Advisory and two levels of the Golden Rule games out the door. The elementary students that visited the table won stress balls after they played the games that our students coded in Scratch and/or watched an animation done in Adobe Animate. It was great to see them interact with the club output.
Posted 1/22/2024
CONGRATULATIONS! to Porter's VEX Robotics teams for their excellent performance in this past week's PWCS Robotics Competition! Team B "Garlic Bread" won ALL 6 of their qualifying matches, ranking #1 out of 50 teams!
And....CONGRATULATIONS to Team A, "The Terminators," for being TOURNAMENT CHAMPIONS! They have earned a spot at the Virginia Robotics State Championship in Doswell March 1st and 2nd.
Mr. Fahy, Porter's IT Instructor and Robotics Sponsor, made this comment about our teams: "I was very impressed with how students represented Porter yesterday in their sportsmanship as well as how they used their time productively. "
Posted 1/21/2024
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THANK YOU to everyone who sent their pictures of the previous SNOW DAYS!! They are all great.
Porter students played in the snow, made snow angels, some sledded, some built snowmen, and some even shoveled!
Posted 1/2/2024
As we go into 2024 the bots are slowly making their way to the mission boards. Team Code Breakers have stuck a flag in the floor board as they are the first team coming out the gate with a working prototype that they are attempting to code. We are hoping to see more teams follow suit in the next few weeks as the kiddos continue to work their prototypes and attachment.

Posted 12/15/2023
This week we spent some time using Open Roberta Lab to teach the kids concepts in coding. Of course, in true "FLL Silly Style," anyone who successfully coded the challenge mission had to jump up from their seat and shout "BANANAS!!!" We had sooo many kids going bananas for coding. We saw kids that said coding wasn't their thing, pushing themselves to become True Bananas. High Five to all the kids for giving coding their best shot yesterday.
Posted 11/9/2023
The 3rd Annual MULTICULTURAL FAIR was a success! Thanks in large part to ALL of our families who participated and came out to enjoy the evening. Everyone had a great time; we had over 30+ countries repesented! Click on the picture below to see our slideshow!
Posted 11/7/2023
In honor of Veteran's Day, Mrs. Kelsey's ELEMENTARY CHORUS got together and sang a special song for all of Porter's military veterans!
Click on the link to see the performance: VIEW THE CHORUS SINGING
Posted 11/2/2023
The first 2023-24 meeting of the PORTER FLL LEGO CLUB was a success! We started the meeting off with introductions and a team building game; then were treated to various centers:
They had so much learning and fun in their kick off meeting; whoever thought that making jelly sandwiches can teach sooo much about coding? Turns out, it was the kids favorite and tastiest 😀. Our volunteers plated sandwiches at the end of the club, AFTER hands were washed/sanitized.

Posted 1031/23
Porter 4th grader, Carter Hall, had the opportunity to attend the National Urban League Premier Screening of the documentary, The Gumbo Coalition, hosted by Warner Bros. Discovery at the Motion Picture Association in Washington, DC.
The documentary follows two visionary Civil Rights leaders, Marc Morial, current President of the National Urban League and past Mayor or New Orleans, LA and Janet Murguía, President of UnidosUS, formerly National Council of La Raza, a Hispanic advocacy organization. This documentary focused on the work to empower Black American and Latino American communities through these turbulent years in America. As the only K-12 student in attendance, Carter had the opportunity meet and chat with both President Morial and President Murguia about his experiences in school. What a great opportunity!!
Posted 10/30/23
The EcoHero Show…Porter 3rd graders took a field trip to the Hylton Performing Arts Center and had a great time! The show provided students and teachers a unique engaging educational experience while learning how to take care of the planet. It was an interactive concert where the audience was introduced to environmental topics, stories, and engaged the students with trivia. All throughout the show, students learned songs and followed dances to music videos by rap superhero, Mr. Eco. And…the teachers were called up to interact too!!! The show was educational, empowering, engaging, and most of all fun!
Posted 10/27/23
This year's PUMPKIN STORYBOOK CHARACTER CONTEST was a huge success! We had some amazing pumpkins and the creativity displayed was awesome! Family night viewing had a big turnout and the voting produced 3 great winners.
ESTIMATION STATION WINNER.......Sarah Yacob (4th Grade)
ALL WINNERS…..Come see Mrs. Banks for your prize on Monday!
Use the link below to see some of the pumpkins and the WINNERS!!!
Posted 10/4/2023
Porter 8th grader, Sophia Prizina, spent last Saturday at the Amazon AWS Girl’s Tech Day! She had a great time at the STEAM event, held at the Hylton Performing Arts Center.
The annual event’s mission is to inspire and motivate girls and young women to pursue interests in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).