National Junior Honor Society


Mrs. Alyssa Fisher (Ruhlen)  @   [email protected] 
Mrs. Rubi Nunez  @  [email protected]  

The National Junior Honor Society is a club dedicated to make a difference in our community and school. This powerhouse of determined young people is ready to take on anything, and once they set a goal, they're going to settle for nothing less than success!


To receive an letter inviting you to apply you must first have at least a 3.0 GPA. Once you have received an invitation, you submit your application to:

* Show ways you exemplify scholarship, leadership, character, citizenship and service
* Have good teacher recommendations
* Make sure to follow all instructions on how to structure your admission essay
* Good conduct and effort grades


NJHS is teaming up with the ACTS Hunger Prevention Center to collect food donations from October 7th-22nd. The fall food drive asks for canned vegetables and fruit, starches and grains, nonperishable food, and thanksgiving-type ingredients.

Please VIEW THE ATTACHED FLYER to view specific item requests.

Please send the donations in with your student OR you may drop them off in the front office at your convenience. 

Students MUST have this memorized for induction!!!

I pledge myself to uphold
The high purposes of society
To which I have been elected
I will be true to the principles for which it stands,
And will maintain and encourage
High standards of scholarship,
Citizenship, service, leadership, and character.