Vision and Mission


Porter Traditional students will be lifelong learners and responsible decision makers. They will be eager and equipped to utilize information resources and empowered with critical thinking skills to become effective problem solvers. Porter students will become active and valued citizens in their respective 21st century communities.


Porter Traditional School believes that all children can be successful. Our powerful combination of integrated instruction and high expectations, accompanied with collaborative parental involvement and a safe, nurturing environment will work in unison to enable our students to achieve academic excellence. This teamwork approach will also promote a positive attitude for students, faculty and family and foster a spirit of community. Porter will possess a positive atmosphere where every student is motivated to do his personal best.

Our students will thrive in a multi-modal environment where there is an assortment of ways to display knowledge. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of experiences that will enable them to be equipped and secure about becoming risk takers and problem solvers. Our focus on community service will aid our students in becoming productive, resourceful and responsible citizens in their neighborhood environs.

The staff at Porter will educate, empower and provide for our students to actively engage with the curriculum. Our staff will constantly strive to meet each child's needs, as we know that a cookie cutter approach won't suffice. The Porter staff will build a sound educational foundation for our students through utilizing technology and many strategies.


At Porter Traditional School, our philosophy is


Porter Traditional School Creed

Porter Traditional School is a safe, friendly, and caring community where learning is active and exciting.

We, the Porter staff, are enthusiastic, professional, caring and committed to working together to provide the best learning experience for our school community.

I am a member of the Porter family. I am an intelligent, responsible and hard-working active learner.

At Porter, our learning never ends.