Bully Free Zone

Bully Free Zone graphic

Bully Free Zone

We strive to make Porter a Bully Free School! This is a webpage where we can share positive thoughts, ideas and resources to promote a safe, friendly environment.

Reporting a Peer Conflict or Bullying Situation
Are you having a Peer Conflict with a friend? Did you witness someone say something or do something to someone else that you thought was inappropriate? You can report a case of Peer Conflict or Bullying by going to: http://stopwalktalk.org/report/ and under "State," click "Virginia" and then choose Mary G. Porter as your school, and fill out as much information as possible about the event. Remember, if you witness something, say something. It's never too late to be a buddy!

As always, tell a trusted adult if you are unsure of a situation or ask to see Ms. Carmack or Mr. Lockamy to report any form of bullying or peer conflict.
Together we can make Porter a Bully Free Zone!

Stop Walk Talk
If you are being bullied and having an issue, you can always visit www.stopwalktalk.org to file a report.


Check out this website!


It has a lot of helpful information about bullying, cyber bullying, responding, prevention and getting help!!