Check out what our students are learning, what they are accomplishing, what extracurricular activities they are excelling at....basically WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH OUR PORTER STUDENTS!
You may have seen the many smart TVs in our school hallways, they display 'whats happening' around the school with our students and what they are learning and doing in class. Here are the slideshows for your convenience:
Updated 10/23/2024
Inspired by King’s writings, six student finalists spoke about what the promise of democracy means to them during the oratorical competition. The oratorical legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. resonated through the eloquent voices of the 6 young student orators who presented at the 40th annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) Youth Oratorical Program Saturday, January 18, 2025.
Porter’s 7th grader EZANA TESFAYE won the Middle School division!! Ezana won BOTH middle school awards: “Best Before the Audience” award the “Best Before the Judges” award. CONGRATULATIONS Ezana!
This MLK event, sponsored by the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (PWCAC-DST), provides PWCS middle and high school students with the opportunity to first write and then present an oration celebrating the life and accomplishments of Dr. King.
Posted 12/18/2024
Posted 11/16/2024
Porter's family favorite MULTICULTURAL NIGHT was held November 13th and was a huge success. We had close to 300 people attend the event.
Posted 11/7/2024
The Porter ES FLL Lego teams are on a roll!! Four of six teams have secured both their team names and logos today! They are working together, collaborating, troubleshooting, and solving some awesome missions!! Their robot sketches and designs are amazing!
Posted 10/21/24
The PTO's "Porter Gives Back" fall service project was helping to 'beautify Porter'. They did a FANTASTIC JOB!! Saturday, Oct. 19th, volunteers arrived at Porter bright and early, with rakes, shovels, gloves, knee pads, etc...ready to BEAUTIFY PORTER!! And they did.... The flower beds were ALL weeded, the Kindness rocks were organized out front and new stones were added, a new ''sign' was added to the back fence, and the gardens were all weeded and spruced up.
Posted 10/21/24
Porter students participated this past weekend in the annual PWCS ALL COUNTY CHORUS event. Mrs. Kelsey said "It was one of the best All County Chorus's I have every been to." The students performed wonderfully, the audience was enthusiastic, and a fun time was had by all.
Posted 10/17/24
Porter's ELEMENTARY FIRST LEGO LEAGUE club has gotten down to business and are moving right along in standing up their "Lego Missions"....excitedly getting them completed and ready for the Club Kick Off!
Posted 10/15/24