School Counseling

ALL Porter students are welcome to see any of the school counselors.  This year, we will be working with students through classroom lessons, small groups, and individual check-ins.


Mrs. Meres,  [email protected]                   Works with grades 3, 5, Life Learners 1 and 2

Mr. Lockamy, [email protected]           Works with middle schoo

Mrs. Bablak, [email protected]                 Works with grades 1, 2, and 4

OUR VISION....Mary G. Porter Traditional School students are responsible decision makers, adaptable problem solvers, persistent leaders, future-oriented learners and dedicated citizens in our community.

OUR MISSION....The Mary G. Porter Traditional School Counseling Team provides an accessible and equitable comprehensive school counseling program that supports every student's academic, career, and social/emotional needs

At Mary G. Porter Traditional School, every student has value and as such, possesses a unique set of skills to be shared with all. We preserve the dignity of each student without bias to cultural, religious, socioeconomic, gender, sexual orientation, special needs or academic variances.
Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, peer and adult relationship skills, and responsible decision-making are the cornerstone of Social Emotional Learning. Our students daily employ these skills to ensure continued growth.

We believe that the School Counseling Program is an integral part of the overall education system, and therefore all students should have the right to be served by the school counseling program. All students should have access to a full-time, state certified master's-degree-level counselor. The counselor abides by the professional ethics of guidance and counseling as advocated by the American School Counselor Association. To verify the effectiveness of the school counseling program, counselors utilize data to assist with program development and evaluation.

Our counselors are devoted to the school counseling program's implementation. The counselors works in cooperation with other professional educators, parents/guardians, and the community to ensure success for our students. We are committed to making a difference and to providing opportunities for all students to become lifelong learners.

We believe in the worth and uniqueness of our students and are dedicated to advocating for students in the educational setting. Our counseling philosophy is proactive and preventative in nature and is committed to meeting the needs of all of our students by using age appropriate programs and lessons that support the academic process. 


ACTS Helpline ......................................703-368-4141  

SUICIDE Hotline..................................1-800-SUICIDE (24-hour hotline) 

CRISIS TEXT Hotline..........................1-800-784-2433  (24-hour hotline), 741741

PWC Child Protective Services Hotline ................................703-792-4200


PWCS acknowledges the extensive impact on students, families amidst ongoing global challenges. During times of crisis, the pain and adversity experienced by individuals and communities are profoundly distressing. We acknowledge that students may come across troublesome information on social media and other channels. Our school-based mental health and health professionals stand ready to support students and families as we continue to navigate world events that impact many in different ways. Additionally, we encourage you to use THIS RESOURCE from the National Association of School Psychologists to guide and facilitate discussions surrounding the sensitive topics linked to world crises, which can evoke strong emotions.

If you believe that your student's response to global crises and violence is affecting their learning, please don't hesitate to reach out to any of Porter’s support personnel:

Mrs. Meres, Director of School Counseling.............. [email protected]
Mr. Lockamy, MS School Counselor........................ [email protected]
Mrs. Bablak, Elem. School Counselor...................... [email protected]
Mrs. Johnson, School Parent Liaison....................... [email protected]


Body Safety Counseling lesson Opt-Out form  (elementary students)