Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What grades are at Porter?

A: Grades 1-8


Q: How are students identified to attend Porter?

A: There is no identification program for attendance at Porter. The choice to pursue Porter as a school for their children is entirely up to the parents. Parents must complete an application packet for each student and submit it by the specified deadline. A lottery is conducted to pull for the openings each year.


Q: Is Porter a disciplinary school?

A: Porter is not a program designed for students with disciplinary difficulties. We do have a high standard of conduct that all students are expected to follow. The behavioral code is clearly defined, as are penalties for violations.


Q: Is Porter an alternative school?

A: No.


Q: Is Porter a school for underachievers?

A: Porter is not aimed at underachieving students in particular. We believe that every student can succeed, given the support and attention of their parents and teachers.


Q: Is Porter a school for overachievers?

A: Porter is not aimed at overachieving students in particular, either. We are not a magnet school. We do, however, expect a level of performance at or above grade level from all our students, regardless of their previous performance,


Q: Is Porter a school for gifted students?

A: Porter is a school for students of parents who want to support their child's success. We are not specifically a "gifted school". As with all PWC schools, we have programs for gifted students in addition to the regular curriculum.


Q: Where is Porter located?

A: Porter is located on Forest Grove Drive in Woodbridge. From Route 1, go East on Rippon Blvd and take the first right on to Forest Grove Drive. Make your first left to Porter Traditional School.


Q: What is expected of students who attend Porter?

A: Porter students are expected to give their best effort toward their work at school, at home, and in their community. They are guided and encouraged in proper behavior, proper use of language, strong study habits, and community involvement. Each student is required to perform 10 - 20 hours volunteer service each year, depending on their grade level.


Q: What is expected of parents whose children attend Porter?

A: Porter parents are expected to give their best effort toward supporting their children's efforts at school and in the community. Each student's family is required to volunteer at the school for at least 10 hours on their behalf each school year.


Q: How do students get to school?

A: PWCS Transportation provides express bus service from local elementary and middle schools located on the eastern end of the county. Parents are expected to take their students to the appropriate bus stop in the morning and meet them there in the afternoon. Parents may also drop off and pick up students at Porter.


Q: Is there a waiting list to get in to Porter?

A: Yes. All completed applications for each year are placed in a pool from which a random list of applicants is generated. Names are then taken in order from the list for each grade level as openings become available. Applications are received by Porter, and the lottery process is handled by PWCS and Porter administrative personnel.


Q: Are some grades easier to get into than others?

A: Yes. The majority of applications come in for first grade. First grade has the most openings, because we have no kindergarten students, so there are 81 openings each year. Second grade and up generally average only 5 or 6 openings each year.


Q: Is there a music program at Porter?

A: Yes. Porter has general music education in all elementary grades; as well as Strings and Band offered to fifth graders. We offer Band, Orchestra, and Chorus for all middle school students.


Q: Does Porter have its own curriculum?

A: Porter follows the Prince William County Public Schools curriculum.


Q: Is there a dress code at Porter?

A: Yes. Porter students are required to wear uniforms. They may choose from a variety of uniform options to determine their outfit for any given day.